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Songs and Sayings from the Bezzy Community for Getting Through Hard Days

Living Well

March 27, 2024

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by Crystal Hoshaw


Fact Checked by:

Michael Crescione


by Crystal Hoshaw


Fact Checked by:

Michael Crescione


The right words or a song that hits the spot can be a huge mood lift. Positive affirmations can be a part of your life with these uplifting apps and tunes, picked by Bezzy members and editors.

Do you have a personal affirmation that helps get you through hard days? Or a song that lifts your spirits?

Bezzy editors posed this question in the Bezzy Breast Cancer community, and here’s what members had to say.

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Bezzy BC members’ favorite spirit-lifting affirmations

Overthinking and rumination are a common and understandable response to the anxiety of diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes you need a friendly reminder not to spin your wheels.

“Don’t borrow trouble” is something my sister tells me when I become overly anxious. It kind of goes hand in hand with “don’t overthink it” whenever I dwell on negative possibilities.

— Dreamsickle

Another Bezzy member transforms anxious thoughts into something positive.

“Turn worries into prayers.” It really helps me not to overthink.

— Korbynka

For some, a little cheerleading can go a long way.

My saying is “you got this.” I have said it many times this past year, and it pushes me to get through it.

— Scpearson542

There’s only this moment, this hour, this day. When you put it into perspective like that, things can feel a lot less daunting.

I tell myself to just focus on getting through today. If it ended up being a rough day, the next day I say ” today’s a new day” and again, I try to just focus on getting through.

— ROM828

Another spin on “one day at a time” is to remember that we’re ultimately all in the same boat, cancer or not.

My chance of surviving tomorrow is just as good as everyone else. I take it one day at a time and put as much love into it as I can.

— Groberg

BezzyBC member Maria70 agrees.

“That’s what I think too!!” she adds.

Life is still happening, even when living with cancer. In some ways, the experience itself can be a reminder of how precious life is.

Enjoy every day to the fullest.

— Lany

Even the hard stuff can be an opportunity to see the good.

Remind myself in tough times it’s okay to have bad moments, but don’t mistake it for having a bad life. Life is what you make it.

— lovelivelife21

For some, each day represents one more step toward healing.

I’m getting better/healing every day.

— cmj maria

A reminder that everything is temporary, including pain, can help you see the silver lining that’s never too far away.

This is not forever.

— Ramonabeth

I will heal. I will be healthy. I will survive. I will thrive.

— Purrfectgurl

Looking at the positive can be both reassuring and encouraging.

1) Today is the first day of the rest of my life. 2) With a very high chance of recurrence for TNBC, I tell myself that I have a 60% chance that it will never return rather then a 40% chance that it will.

— Kathy M.

Other Bezzy members listen to audio versions of affirmations. You can find these on YouTube or apps like Calm, or I Am.

I’ve been listening to healing affirmations at night and while sleeping. It has really helped my mental health.

— Groberg

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Bezzy BC members’ favorite pick-me-up tunes

Other Bezzy members turn to music to lift their mood and find inspiration.

I have compiled a playlist of music I find inspirational and listen to it on bad days. Music is a good healer and can always lift my spirits.

— Julia25

If you enjoy positive vibes and bouncy guitar, try this tune suggested by Bezzy member Orlandpark1965.

I like “Living in the Moment” by Jason Mraz. Upbeat, gets me through.

— Orlandpark1965

With lines like “I just let go of what I know I don’t know” and “Wherever I’m going, I’m already home,” who could argue with that?

“Broken & Beautiful” by Kelly Clarkson.

— Julia25

The American Idol superstar belts out a message of acceptance in this danceable beat.

My life song is “The River” by Garth Brooks. But I came across this song in this journey and it’s perfect. “Truth I’m Standing On” by Leanna Crawford.

— Cheernat

This pair of songs about staying strong in the midst of pain and fear addresses how difficult that can be, but that finding purpose can make all the difference.

“I Will Survive!”

— April 2019

This classic anthem from The Queen of Discos, later covered by The Queen of Soul, speaks for itself.

Listen on repeat

Want to give the songs above a listen? Check out our latest Spotify playlist just for BezzyBC.

Do you have favorite inspiring songs to share? Shoot us an email at or share in the forums!

Looking for more jams? Bezzy editors have put together an Editor’s Favorites Spotify playlist with some of our own picks for getting pumped, getting through tough times, or feeling all the feels.

Fact checked on March 27, 2024

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Connect with thousands of members and find support through daily live chats, curated resources, and one-to-one messaging.

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About the author

Crystal Hoshaw

Crystal Hoshaw is a mother, writer, and longtime yoga practitioner, and currently the Editor for the Bezzy Breast Cancer and Migraine communities. Crystal shares mindful strategies for self-care through yoga classes and online courses at Embody Ayurveda. You can find her on Instagram.

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